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Quantum Computing Learning Resources

Welcome to the Quantum Computing Learning Resources repository! This repository aims to provide a curated list of free resources to help you learn about quantum computing. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced researcher, these resources can help you dive into the fascinating world of quantum computing. (more resources will be added as I come across them, you can also add more resources)

Table of Contents

Qiskit Resources

Quantum computing is an exciting field that leverages principles from quantum mechanics to solve complex problems more efficiently than classical computers. It involves concepts like superposition, entanglement, and quantum gates. This section provides an introduction to quantum computing.




Summer Schools

Pennylane Resources

Pennylane has some amazing demos and learning resources

Learn quantum programming

Demonstrations and tutorials

Open HPI

Video lectures can provide an interactive way to learn quantum computing concepts. Here are some free video lecture series:


Check their full website


Here are some online freely available courses as a Youtube playlist:


The coursework offered at MIT

TU Delft

The courses made by TU Delft team, also available on edx


The course is made available freely by the online platform of NPTEL

-Introduction to Quantum Computing: Quantum Algorithms and Qiskit, IBM and IITM: This course will provide introduction to Quantum Computation, starting with basic concepts such as superposition and entanglement, to discussing the quantum circuit model of computation and basic Quantum algorithms that demonstrate the power of computing with quantum bits.


This contains blog posts by individuals


Community Forums

Engaging with the quantum computing community can enhance your learning experience. Here are some community forums where you can ask questions and connect with experts:

Blogs and Newsletters

Blogs and newsletters are great for staying up-to-date with the latest developments in quantum computing. Here are some resources to follow:

Feel free to contribute to this repository by suggesting additional resources or improvements to the existing list. Happy learning!