4 |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
5 |
Longest Palindromic Substring |
17 |
Letter Combinations of Phone Number |
24 |
Swap Nodes in Pairs |
33 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array |
34 |
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array |
46 |
Permutations |
50 |
Pow(x,n) |
54 |
Spiral Matrix |
59 |
Spiral Matrix II |
63 |
Unique Paths II |
68 |
Text Justification |
71 |
Simplifying Path |
74 |
Search a 2D Matrix |
77 |
Combinations |
81 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array II |
86 |
Partition List |
92 |
Reverse Linked List II |
95 |
Unique Binary Search Trees II |
97 |
Interleaving Strings |
111 |
Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree |
118 |
Pascal’s Triangle |
119 |
Pascal’s Triangle II |
135 |
Candy |
137 |
Single Number II |
138 |
Copy list with Random Pointer |
139 |
Word break |
141 |
Linked List Cycle |
146 |
LRU Cache |
168 |
Excel Sheet Column Title |
207 |
Course Schedule |
209 |
Minimum Size Subarray Sum |
215 |
Kth Largest element in an array |
225 |
Implement Stack using Queues |
228 |
Summary Ranges |
239 |
Sliding Window Maximum |
258 |
Add Digits |
287 |
Find the Duplicate Number |
316 |
Remove Duplicate Letters |
319 |
Bulb Switcher |
332 |
Reconstruct Itinerary |
338 |
Counting Bits |
341 |
Flatten Nested List Iterator |
342 |
Power of Four |
343 |
Integer Break |
347 |
Top K Frequent Elements |
373 |
Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums |
389 |
Find the Difference |
392 |
Is Subsequence |
399 |
Evaluate Division |
403 |
Frog Jump |
435 |
Non Overlapping Intervals |
445 |
Add two numbers II |
459 |
Repeated Substring Patterns |
486 |
Predict the Winner |
501 |
Find Mode in Binary Search Tree |
515 |
Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row |
516 |
Longest Palindromic Subsequence |
518 |
Coin Change II |
530 |
Minimum Absolute Difference in BST |
542 |
01 Matrix |
547 |
Number of Provinices |
646 |
Maximum Length of a Pair Chain |
649 |
Dota2 Senate |
662 |
Maximum Width of Binary Tree |
664 |
Maximum Width of Binary Tree |
673 |
Number of Longest Increasing Sub-sequences |
688 |
Knight Probability in Chessboard |
703 |
Kth Largest element in a stream |
705 |
Design Hashset |
706 |
Design Hashmap |
712 |
Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings |
714 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee |
725 |
Split Linked List in Parts |
735 |
Asteroid Collision |
744 |
Find samllest letter greater than target |
746 |
Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
758 |
Is Graph Bipartite? |
767 |
Reorganize String |
779 |
K-th Symbol in Grammar |
802 |
Find Eventual Safe States |
808 |
Soup Servings |
823 |
Binary Tree with Factors |
837 |
New 21 Game |
839 |
Similar String Groups |
844 |
Backspace String Compare |
852 |
Peak Index in a Mountain Array |
859 |
Buddy Strings |
863 |
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree |
864 |
Shortest Path to Get All Keys |
879 |
Profitable Schemes |
880 |
Decoded String at Index |
894 |
All Possible Full Binary Trees |
896 |
Monotonic Array |
920 |
Number of Music Playlist |
934 |
Shortest Bridge |
946 |
Validate Stack Sequences |
956 |
Tallest Billboard |
1027 |
Longest Arithmetic Subsequence |
1035 |
Uncrossed Lines |
1046 |
Last Stone Weight |
1091 |
Shortest Path in Binary Matrix |
1095 |
Find in Mountain Array |
1125 |
Smallest Sufficient Team |
1140 |
Stone Game II |
1146 |
Snapshot Array |
1161 |
Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree |
1187 |
Make Array Strictly Increasing |
1203 |
Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies |
1218 |
Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference |
1232 |
Check If It Is a Straight Line |
1282 |
Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To |
1312 |
Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome |
1318 |
Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c |
1326 |
Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden |
1337 |
The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix |
1351 |
Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix |
1361 |
Validate Binary Tree Nodes |
1372 |
Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree |
1376 |
Time needed to inform all employees |
1396 |
Design Underground System |
1406 |
Stone Game III |
1416 |
Restore The Array |
1422 |
Maximum Score After Splitting a String |
1431 |
Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies |
1456 |
Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length |
1489 |
Find Critical and Pseudo Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree |
1491 |
Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary |
1493 |
Longest Subarray of 1’s After Deleting One Element |
1498 |
Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition |
1502 |
Can Make Arithemetic Progressions from a Sequence |
1512 |
Number of Good Pairs |
1514 |
Path with Maximum Probability |
1547 |
Minimum Cost to cut a stick |
1569 |
Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST |
1572 |
Matrix Diagonal Sum |
1575 |
Count All Possible Routes |
1577 |
Maximum number of vertices to Reach all nodes |
1579 |
Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable |
1584 |
Min Cost to Connect All Points |
1601 |
Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests |
1603 |
Design Parking System |
1615 |
Maximal Network Rank |
1639 |
Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary |
1647 |
Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique |
1658 |
Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero |
1697 |
Checking the Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths |
1721 |
Swapping Nodes in a Linked List |
1732 |
Find the highest Altitude |
1751 |
Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended II |
1768 |
Merge Strings Alternately |
1799 |
Maximize score after N Operations |
1802 |
Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array |
1822 |
Sign of the Product of an Array |
1870 |
Minimum Speed to Arrive on Time |
1964 |
Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position |
1970 |
Last Day Where You Can Still Cross |
2009 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous |
2022 |
Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array |
2028 |
Find Missing Observation |
2024 |
Maximize the confusion of an Exam |
2038 |
Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the same color |
2050 |
Parallel Courses III |
2090 |
K Radius Subarray Averages |
2101 |
Detonate the Maximum Bombs |
2116 |
Check if a Parantheses String Can Be a Valid |
2130 |
Maximum Twin sum of a Linked List |
2140 |
Solving Questions with Brainpower |
2141 |
Maximum Running time for N Computers |
2215 |
Find the Difference of Two Arrays |
2218 |
Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles |
2251 |
Number of Flowers in Full Bloom |
2272 |
Substring With Largest Variance |
2305 |
Fair Distribution of Cookies |
2328 |
Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid |
2336 |
Smallest Number in Infinite Set |
2352 |
Equal Row and Column Pairs |
2366 |
Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array |
2369 |
Check if there is a Valid Partition For The Array |
2433 |
Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor |
2448 |
Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal |
2462 |
Total Cost to Hire K Workers |
2466 |
Count Ways To Build Good Strings |
2483 |
Minimum Penalty for a shop |
2542 |
Maximum Subsequence Score |
2551 |
Put Marbles in Bags |
2616 |
Minimize the Maximum difference in pairs |
2707 |
Extra Characters in a String |